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来源:  点击:214  发布时间:2010/3/28 11:08:00
根据27日的《读卖新闻》晚刊了解,日方铁矿石进口价格被日本各大钢铁公司与世界矿业巨头巴西淡水河谷公司确定为110美元/吨,此价格是去年的两倍左右,预计在3月底将会完成谈判收尾工作。According to 27, "Yomiuri Shimbun" published later learned that the Japanese import prices of iron ore has been Japan"s major steel company and the world"s mining giant Vale do Rio Doce identified as 110 U.S. dollars / ton, this price is about twice last year, is expected to complete negotiations by the end of March will be finishing the work.
据了解,从今年4月份,日本钢铁公司将会以110美元/吨的价格与巴西淡水河谷公司进行交易。与另两家的矿业巨头的铁矿石谈判价格可能也维持在每吨110美元的水平。It is understood that in April of this year, Nippon Steel Corporation will be 110 U.S. dollars / ton price and Brazil"s Vale do Rio Doce transactions. With the other two giants of the mining of iron ore price negotiations may also be maintained at the level of 110 U.S. dollars per tonne.
Automobiles, home appliances and other industries will also be possible due to higher prices of iron ore price increases vary. At present, because the Japanese economy is in a credit crunch-pass state, whether the consumer will bear the costs have yet to explore is still a problem. But analysts points to the increased burden on business will affect its results of operations and misgivings.
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