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来源:  点击:174  发布时间:2010/4/1 17:30:00
在3月27日由日本媒体报道所说日本各大钢铁公司与河谷公司已经确定日方铁矿石进口价格为110美元,虽然并未得到日本公司与河谷双方的证实,但业内人士分析日本钢铁企业也将因为4月份将迎来日本的年度财季而率先与矿山企业达成矿石价格协议。In the March 27 by the Japanese media reports that Japan"s major steel companies and the Valley of the Japanese company has identified iron ore import price is 110 dollars, although the Japanese company and the valley have not been confirmed by both sides, but the analysis of the Japanese steel industry Enterprises will also be because in April will usher in the year quarter, while Japan took the lead and mine ore price agreement reached.
在我国,多家钢铁企业再次感到巨大压力,并表示对于这样的价格很难接受。若按此价格进行交易,则接近现货市场价格,而钢厂的利润也将变得更加少,可以说很难盈利。而日本之所以能够接受这种不利于钢企的合同,是因为日本进口量不足我国的1/4,同时日本财团在三大矿山也持有股份。但如果我国钢企若按此价格进行交易,那多数钢企将会出现大幅度亏损并导致下游汽车、家电等产业的价格上涨。Japan has been able to accept such a contract is not conducive to steel prices, is because China, Japan imports less than 1 / 4, while the Japanese consortium also held shares in the three mines. But if China"s steel enterprises to trade if the price here, that the majority of enterprises will be a significant loss of steel and lead to lower automotive, appliance and other industries prices.


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