据了解,在近日欧盟委员会就欧洲钢铁工业联盟提出的对印度的不锈钢条进行反补贴的提案开始立案调查。此次立案涉及的产品是海关编码为72222021、72222029、72222031、72222039、72222081、72222089。It is understood that during the recent European Commission proposed by the European Union steel industry, stainless steel to India"s proposal for subsidy began a criminal investigation.
Meanwhile, due to rising raw material prices, India"s Tata Steel"s executives said yesterday that the company will take in response to rising raw materials prices of long products up to protect the interests of the company. To April 1 from long products price will be Rs 2,500 / tonne to trade, while the prices of flat material up the 10 percent.
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