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来源:  点击:190  发布时间:2010/4/10 10:59:00
By a while ago that news, the Japanese and South Korean steel companies in the steel price has reached a preliminary agreement on the international mining giant, which has exacerbated the plight of European steel companies. Although the outlook is very optimistic about the negotiations, but the face of substantial mining giant to raise prices, steel companies is difficult to accept.
In the April 8 by the European Federation of Iron and Steel Industry official said, the international mining giant will raise prices 80% to 90% of it is madness, the European steel prices difficult to accept, but is 10% to 20% price rise or fall we can afford.
The responsible person said, the international mining giant asked the price by 80% to 90% on a violation of the basic supply and demand ,forecast this year, steel demand growth but only 8% to 10% of its raw materials as iron ore price have to double that is no reason. While internationally, on April 1 as the start of the new year iron ore supply, but to this date still has not said a European company reached an agreement with mining giant.
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