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来源:  点击:249  发布时间:2010/4/30 16:55:00
Ever increasing, the iron ore price situation, CISA vice chairman Luo said in April 28th, 2010, as China"s iron ore negotiations in a disadvantageous situation, domestic steel companies with three major mining companies were contacted on the issue of iron ore. This also basically declared the 2010 iron ore price negotiations have ended.
As the experiences of enterprises in which the pressure of running and difficulties, steel industry could be considered without violating the principle on the basis of iron ore imports, and contact the three major mining companies, and in accordance with the unified iron ore price for the purchase of imported After iron ore, and then settled in with. This statement means that this year, Luo iron ore price negotiations have ended, but also said that China Steel Association has given up his earlier emphasized "the China Steel Association"s organization and coordination of unified action" principle.
Previously, as resistance to three major iron ore mining companies in negotiations with the hardline attitude of unreasonable demands, China Steel Association has urged domestic steel mills to be unified to win in two months, three major mining companies not to import ore However, after experiencing a month of resistance, the China Steel Association abandoned the practice.
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